
We encourage all psychophysiologists in the Australasian region to:

  1. Maintain the high quality of the Annual Conference
  2. Improve networking among psychophysiologists in the region
  3. Allow students to familiarise themselves with work from different laboratories
  4. Facilitate exchange programs for students and staff
  5. Develop a strong and cohesive group for the purposes of maximising research funding and infrastructure

Membership of the Society offers a number of benefits:

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Reduced registration fee for that year's conference

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Student Members who present their work are eligible for Presentation Awards

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Student Members are eligible for Travel Awards

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Lab website listing

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Waiver of joining fee for the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP) (see

Membership Fees

Current membership fees are shown below. Registration covers the period January 1 through December 31 (i.e., one calendar year).

For a limited time only, in recognition of the impacts of COVID-19:

  • membership fees have been reduced to $10 for new Full and Student members
  • at the end of the 2021 membership year, all current memberships (new and existing) were automatically renewed for the 2022 membership year

We encourage anyone interested to take this opportunity to join ASP, as this will provide access to the discounted member registration rates for the upcoming ASP Conference to be hosted by the University of Queensland in November 2022.

Full Members

Are typically working in and/or have published scientific research in psychophysiology or related areas, and are typically members of one of the major recognised professional associations for psychology, medicine, neuroscience, biology, or engineering. At a minimum, to become a Full Member an applicant must have an interest in Psychophysiology and should have a degree from a tertiary institution or equivalent.

Student Members

Are required to be currently enrolled in an academic program, either undergraduate or postgraduate, in psychophysiology or a related area. Student status may be required to be certified annually by the student's research supervisor or Head of Department or delegate.

Membership Update

Update your details